O Men, Don't Tandoor your Wife

Year 1995
A Youth Congress leader and MLA shoots his wife dead, cut her into pieces and burnt her body in tandoori and fleas off.

He was convicted for the murder and his case was under charge sheet.

November 2003 
8 years after the crime, he is convicted of murder and sentenced to death.

November 2003 onward
The criminal's leadership comes to life and he doesn't believe in giving up. Hence the way he chopped his wife' body, he strikes at Indian judiciary and forced them to change their decision which also included replacing the judges and making a complete mockery of system over years over years.

October 2013
Ten years after " I have killed my wife and chopped n burnt her body brutally but still I am not a criminal" Sharma (be-sharma rather) is awarded justice in form of mere life imprisonment instead of death penalty.

So what if Sushil Sharma killed his wife? He deeply loved her. So what if he kept their marriage under wraps, that was his way of protecting his love. Sushil Sharma chopped his wife' (Naina Shahni) body into pieces all in love. He then took the chopped body to burn in Tandoor without seasoning as he wasn't a seasoned criminal. 

What crap are we talking about?

We are actually making our judicial system a repeat laughing stock for the entire world and humanity! Power and money are the two husbands that manipulate and make the Indian judiciary system a puppet on their strings dancing to a tune that nation had already started repenting and abhorring. 

The messiah of mercy Supreme court has commuted his death penalty to life imprisonment sending strong vibes to the wife beater and now wife eater clan of the country to go pursue their dreams as India is shining and progressing. 

It has also given a whole new idea to Restaurants across the world. No sooner you will have a new item in menu of many a wife lovers- Tandoori Shaloo or Tandoori Tanveer along with the dishes Tandoori Aloo and Tandoori Paneer.

It's not cold blooded murder you silly! It is love!

It is justice that says you can kill someone brutally and brutally but you are still a human being as it was your first crime and you deserve all fairness when it comes to human rights. The person you just killed- charred the body to cinders, her family, the nation that watches your story are all nothing but a bunch of sillies who doesn't understand your love. Aww romantic. Someone like you did this in Delhi, hence someone like you committed a heinous rape with girls including 5 year old babies where they inserted bottles inside her genitals cause they were in love, Nirbhaya and Aarushi Talwar. Did they have criminal record? Oops must check. Besides it is such a good avenue for all freshers in department of opportune criminal and crooks. Kill somebody and say oops I did it just once but when Britney Spears sings "I did it again" you make her chart-buster so why this Kolaveri di on my one single crime?

Crime begets crime
They say- to hide one lie, you speak 100 more lies. I couldn't agree more with this. Sorry for quoting a personal example here but it's relevant. I have recently spent 2 months living with a woman who I found to be living the same theory. Much to my shocking discovery and continuous dismay- she lied one after other convincingly. Some of the lies were silly and avoidable but some not. To cope with her fabrications, she started behaving weird, throwing tantrums, making scenes, unapologetic. I almost fell for her in the beginning but eventually fell out of it, obviously deeply hurt. Not that I have not seen people lying like this (I have seen even worse) but what was most shocking was the fact that she was a family member and there wasn't any need to lie in first place.

Often the people who are close to our hearts, who we love more, expect more, leaves us badly hurt. This was a small example wherein she was aware of her rights and her control over her support system which made her strong enough to carry her wishes. This typical behavior of "my way or highway" is another fueling factor that perpetrates crime. That's what probably happened in Sushil Sharma and Naina's case wherein he decided to shoot his wife suspecting her infidelity towards him. Throes of frustration or proving his upmanship, he committed the crime to kill Naina but then to hide that crime, he went on creating even more heinous crimes, unapologetic.

No, I am not a bra burning feminist and my knowledge about this case is as limited as available in media but in no way do I support killings- men or women or even the sacrificial goat!

Two wrongs doesn't makes one right
This is something that people misinterpreting the word called Human Rights should understand.
A crime is a crime and so does a murder. Saying that murder was committed cause of strained personal relationship may be add to cause but not a justification! It's all about respecting someone else' life.

The verdict is given and soon like all other case, this too may fade Indian' mind soon, throttling it in burden of struggles of daily life and living. Whether Sushil Sharma spends minimum 14 years in jail is irrelevant as much as whatever happened to other criminals for whom the common men continues to contribute his sweat and blood to fund survivals in prison through paying taxes and others.

It's just not about one Sushil Sharma. It is all about the notion that makes people commit heinous crime for lack of fear of consequences. Indeed Sushil Sharma would have repented his acts if not on conscious grounds but the unwarranted dealings it incurred to his life and may be that can act as deterrent for other criminals in offing.  If only he would have just walked past of his relation rather than bringing it to such an end, he would be a free and better man by now. 

India indeed needs a make over before it is too late. And Humanity needs more patience and non violence. 

Pl prevent crime and cruelty towards others.


  1. Ekta, your concerns over the flaws in judicial system as well as atrocities toward women, kids and humanity in general are natural. We can not dissociate ourselves from this part of society. Be it Naina Sahni or Nirbhaya, we all are hurt and the feelings of the entire nation are too. As you said, the first thing we can do is to have respect and sympathy for people around us. The next can be contributing to the betterment of the system itself.
    As always, you have handled this topic well.

  2. Anonymous09 October

    I tell myself that things of this kind are happening for a reason. That humanity is on the verge of a major transformation but that this transformation isn't possible unless there is enough pressure from within. Such events, such injustices and atrocities, happen only to contribute to the pressure building.

    Or maybe I lie to myself.

    1. I agree. There' a theory going about it emphasizing that soon everything will be destructed and re-created. How far is it true, not sure.

  3. Very very sad. May be in jail, other prisoners want to eat some tandoori dish.

    1. Lolz...That would give rise to another blotch from world of crime and evil.

  4. Anonymous10 October

    It's a cruel and ruthless world. What we need is strict law against such heinous crime against humanity. Good one.

    1. Yes, true. One strict law and execution- 50% of such crimes will come down.

  5. Its a rotten system..People are not afraid of committing crime coz they have stopped fearing penalties or punishments and the law was never strict ....i wonder if these netas and officers also get a reservation quota for crime?

    1. True! The problem with everything is that people who commits wrong justifies themselves, lies, manipulate and get away. Not just politicians but youth too. Some things are protected by law whereas for certain things there' no legal enforcement but moral responsibility and that's what they play with and manipulate. Bloody manipulators and liars!

  6. It is inhuman to cut another person up and burn in a tandoor. It is sad that such a person not get maximum penatly like death or all his life in jail. Now that his death penalty is commuted, he may be out soon. This is more than 15 years after the incidence.

    1. Yes that's very disheartening. These r open shut cases but still govt of India takes so much time, changes its own ppl to suit the need of criminal whereas the criminal roams free with no fear as he is aware, how he can manipulate n get away. Indeed sad.

  7. Right...We have made the country a laughing stock amongst the International Press and Foreign Shores....It's like 'You can do any shit in India. Such huge is the Population and Corruption , that the Government either doesn't care or is too damn incompetent to handle such lunatics.'

    1. True. It has become like that. The world laughs at our justice system n innocent ppl r even more target for crime.

  8. Such a great article, iam agree with UR opinion,
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  9. Ekta that is the biggest problem, Swift justice and deter many potential killers, sadists or rapists but we are very slow. Things are correcting now but as always, ever so slowly

    1. Agree.. hope the correction begin soon. I still insist on giving our moral conscience a nudge n check for self. The day we start learning govern ourselves with basic moral conscience instead of acting rebel .. things will be fine.

  10. It is the feeling of power---political,monetary or high connections---which goads a person to flaunt laws and commit crimes to satisfy his ego.

    1. Yes it is also related to false sense of superiority.

  11. Its sad when literate people commit crime :-(

    1. Education corrupts more these days.

  12. I fully agree with your views.While deciding quantum of punishment,so many factors,but mostly connected to offender,are considered.But,why not the state,post offence,of the victim is kept in mind,as rape victims,acid victims etc.?

    1. I agree.. it is sad. Certain offense should have no leniency. No mercy. Is it a joke that one throws acid on someone else or kill someone? Who gave such a right? Why cant ppl resolve their difference n move on? Why higher power allows such leniency?

  13. I had promised myself that I wont comment on your blog again since you didnt publish my last comment. But this article was really very well penned. So i had to break my promise.

    1. Aye, which comment did I not publish? And why do you promise yourself such a bad thing? :(

  14. Very Informative I really appreciate for posting these type of Articles.

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