A Love Story

They met on twitter
chat, oggled and made friends with each other.
cupid strike them soon
and thought of taking it further
and became each other's facebook friend

They chat for hours and went agog
on their all four
couldn't stop thinking about each other

thinking he is god send
she harnessed new dreams
and became his heart's reigning queen
and decided to meet him thereafter

She admired his pictures
and became his Instagram follower
it was a love arranged by social media network

The D day has come
and her heart is on treadmill run
she just can't wait to see him

she dressed her best
and followed the address
wher he asked her to come
love is indeed fun
dating is wonder
I'm gonna meet him one on one
The thought made her cheeks flushed

her heart filled with laughter
she couldn't contain her joy
and screamed ahoy!

but hey there's a twist in tale
all her dreams crushed, hopes fail
he looked like as if he has come out of jail

man he's got a huge beard
a smelly stubble
that stink like the rotten well

she could't stop but asked
don' t you know
unshaven is equal to unbathed?

he took her cue
and promise to give her due
and ran behind a barber
too minutes and done
he was clean shaven
and won her hands to live happily ever after
 This post is a part of the Protest Against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.
This post is part of live blogging for team blogadda and I also use this to respond to Tarun Singh's tag here
Bloggers I tag- Heena Shah Dedhi, Arvind Passey, Sarav, Aditya Manchanda


  1. love is all about being true, caring, selfless.. what you have portrayed is attraction. Love is divine. It doesn't get affected /changed by looks, money, fame, disability, etc. Love is what "UNITES two bodies into ONE (UNO) soul".. love doesn't force upon any change, it accepts everything, everytime unconditionaly .. Wish this series on stubble would come to an end.. can love be the reason for it.?......

  2. And yes, you are just toooo good when it comes to writing poems ! simply, the best

  3. i love this poem. but i must know what that poem mean

  4. Glad this had a happy ending. I read a story about a month ago. Same plot as you described. Happened in Kerala. All these twitter and facebook, etc. And, phone calls. But he never initiated any call. She did dial all the time. Finally, when they met - she is 21 year old college girl and he is 73 year old guy with a beard. She fainted. So far real. Now my imagination.

    he took her cue
    and promise to give her due
    and ran behind a barber
    too minutes and done
    he was clean shaven
    and won her hands to live happily ever after

  5. Thanks Ekta :) BTW please change the URL of my tag which you have acknowledged in your post. It's http://imtarunsingh.blogspot.in/2013/12/the-story-of-ram-and-leela.html
    while you have given http://imtarunsingh.blogspot.in/2013/12/the-real-reason-of-divorce-between.html .

  6. Your work is commendable. But, I can't help myself from saying that 3rd verse is grammatically wrong. I feel it should be "struck" since the whole poem is a depiction of your thought.

  7. Amazing Post!
    Have tagged you in my post here :)

  8. interesting post :)

  9. Anonymous06 February

    Nice love story.


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