Ram Leela - Rasleela in Picture

We reviewed the film here. Now let's picture talk-

The "Chest Wise, Face Fool" Ram
meets the Chikni Chum-Leela

Tattad Tattad, TSch TSch
"Lets make love"?
No honey I have a "beardache" tonite
Shall we kiss and make now? I am ready for the kiss
Wanna make? First take a bath in lake 
No Shave=No Bath

Ok Leela I took bath, now shall we kiss?

Kiss? Oh Fish! That Stubble looks trouble. Dial P.A.S.S. @BlogAdda
Boo Hoo..my porn collection caught raid handed. The brothers died, access to love denied. No one loves me.
Aww Don't be sad. What if you killed my brother, sis-in-law said he wasn't good in bed either. Let's flee-flee outta this KillU-KillU land and wed.  I will soon find a way to mate. 
Here's honey, try this new shaver that I bought from Gillette.
Do sata sat and we will make love fata fat

In anticipation of a clean shaven Ranveer
I am trying to kiss but damn this stinky stubble, I am not that good an actress. 

Rajwadi village ke head, tum kya shave karna nahi jaante ho?

I really hate that stinky stubble and will shoot if you get closer.
I have a license to kill. Shave off or I ring the "P.A.S.S." bell?

The Director intervened, his face became rehearsal land 
Sanjay I can't take this many anymore. He is trying to seduce you? Aaaargh!

I made a P.A.S.S. and you failed, now prepare to die 
Rest is history. Ram and Leela killed each other. Ram killed to end daily Mahabharta; Leela followed the shoot. They did not even see cheek-to-cheek for film's posters.
Yawn! Ram Chahe Leela, Leela Chahe Ram, between them stubble ka kya kaam? 

Now you knew why I ditched Ranveer

Rumors were True, his beard is a big Nene, it really stink


[The above post is written in pure humor and bears no intention to hurt/harm anyone whatsoever]


  1. Great read... enjoyed it thoroughly!!! :-)

  2. Hey Ekta.Thank you for Acknowledging my tag.

    1. Welcome Heena ...I loved your blogs, you r so energetic!

  3. while wathing the movie , i was not able to decide the era of movie like its jahan dhichkiyan wahan ishkiyau of present era or rajeda / saneda era ;)

    1. Very true... the movie has many loopholes...

  4. lol... ROFLing all through!

  5. Haha! That was really funny! (But to be frank, I liked the movie.. and I actually like guys with a bit of a stubble (though not the full blown mush-n-beard that Ranveer sported in this))

    1. Haha each his own...It was just a post intended for fun, no personal thing for me in this..I just wanted to bring smiles to faces :)

  6. Cool..cant stop laughing

    1. Thanks Jhilmil..glad you liked it...come back soon for another smashing review :)

  7. You sure ripped the movie or should I say the stubble.......LOL.

  8. Good imagination, I must say, risking the reputation of my beard.

    1. Ha haa...your beard is safe. thanks!

  9. Hilarious....one of your most innovative post.. all the best for the contest..

  10. OMG. This is amazing..You are such a creative person,,,maaar hi dalla ...awesome!!!!

    1. Thanks soo much Deepti...Thanks for sharing it on FB :)

  11. Wow, girl you are so innovative and creative..Awesome!!!!!!

  12. Ekta you are a sparkling wonder....I had a good laugh before ending my day. God bless.

  13. You are a lil wonder when it comes to blogging. A sheer genius display. Had a good laugh before ending the day. God bless.

    1. Awww thats sooo sweet...Thanks sooo much :)
      Pray I win the first prize here :)

  14. Ekta you are a sparkling wonder....I had a good laugh before ending my day. God bless.

  15. Accepted the tag here

    Sorry for the delay :)


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