A Soldier for women

Soldiers Wanted
Wanted men who can stood up for a woman with courage & Integrity.
He could be anyone- A Tattoo artist, a gym instructor, mechanic, hairdresser, cook, friend or even a co worker.
Applications invited.


We are a country of billion plus people, struggling every hour to live with crimes against women. Crimes in forms of- physical, mental and social. While a lot of us are "tamashbins" or say mere an audience who would just view and move on. A lot are noise makers, who will watch create a bit noise here and there and gone. Whereas, many of them are "trouble makers" who will rather make worse of the issue by shamelessly shifting blames on women.

Amid all the creatures above, there are people who stands out for women. People who have courage & integrity. People who harness change, however small are the ways. 

Soldier 1: At Home

I have met a very few such people in my life. Primarily, it is my father who has always stood up for my right, he stood up to protect me, safeguard and nurture me. I salute you papa. Your contributions to my life is remarkable and beyond expressions. Ever since my childhood, you have owned me up. In spite of having two brothers, I was never made felt any inferior. I had all freedom that I wanted. I was allowed to wear stuffs that I wanted to, pursue the hobbies I wanted to, make friends with people I wanted to, socialize and above all pursue my career interests.

I remember the time when I was born, my grandmother use to tease you saying that- She is a girl. One day she will leave you and go some where else taking all your monies. You would then take me in your arms and speak in an animated voice- Dadi, I love you, do not be so opinionated! I remember the time when we walked in crowds and who would you hold my hands and shield me from the throbbing mob and steer me away from them to the safe place. Also, the time, well, there were endless and countless times that my father has stood up for me and supported. hats off to you pa.

Soldier 2: Away
Often father, brothers, uncles, Boy friends, friends, husband take care of us and seldom do we find people outside this fraternity, specially people who have no motives/ gains attached to us come to our help.

It was a late summer evening in 2004. I rushed from my office to fetch myself a conveyance to return home from work. There was a possibility of riots in the city and I was told to not take any risk. Much to my dismay, it started raining and I was stuck at office. I rushed back to my work station and stay hold there waiting for the rain to stopped. It was 8:00 pm and still rain showed no sign of going away. I thought of catching an auto but in vain. I retreated near office parking where the company has couple of cabs meant normally for dropping home the late working female fraternity from a certain team only. The cab was not open for normal female colleagues and given a matter of adversity, one person has to take prior approvals ranging from 3 to 4 people in multiple teams. Most of colleague has left and there was no one in office to help me take approval. I wanted to take an auto but stepped back on my thoughts recalling the few non pleasant incidents that we had with cab drivers. Besides, at that time it wasn't safe for a girl in that city to roam alone. The city had high rates of crimes register It was as if the transport coordinator read my mind and came forward. He called one of the drivers and instructed him to drop me till my home- approval or no approval. He told him- Madam has injured her leg and so you ensure that you drop her safely till her door.

He came towards me and assured me to not worry as the driver will drop me home safely. He said- Madam do no worry, whenever there is such issue, do let me know, I will ensure that you reach your home safely. Do not worry about any thing else, I know I am doing a right thing.

I was so touched by his gesture and thanked God, asking to bless him. That was one day and for months till the time the supervisor stayed there, he ensured whenever needed I got dropped at my home safely and respectfully.
This post is a part of #Soldierforwomen in association with BlogAdda.com


  1. The world would have ended,if there were no good people.And it will exist as long as there are people who stand against wrong.

    A nice post...

  2. This is a truly great article. A father will always protect his daughter (and son, for that matter) in all circumstances, as will a brother protect his sister. But a stranger protecting a woman is very rare. After all, in most cases of violence, it means putting your own life on the line. I doubt I would have the courage to do that. But like Rajnish said above, the world would end if good people did not exist. And it's the small gestures that make good people, no?

    Nice article. A must read!

  3. Commendable Post!

    When skelton has damaged, when there is 66A, when CM says a lady should be modest enough not go anywhere in night. Clearly we need to highlight goodmen out there. Even if we can't get back what we lost, we can resist not to lose anymore. All this can happen only if we could awaken a soldier within.

  4. I don't think women should be respected just on account of being a woman. they should be respected because they are people and more importantly human beings.

  5. A heartfelt post ! I have many a soldiers at home but have never encountered one outside :(

  6. I so wanna write for my soldiers as well...

  7. Anonymous21 May

    Hi. This is Ambika from Times Now news channel. Wanted to speak to you about the ‘soldier for women’ campaign. It would be great if you could get in touch at ambika.sharma@timesgroup.com and leave your email id/contact number. Thanks.


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