Delhi Belly, Dove, DK Bose and Dove Contest

It is not a movie review. Or may be it is :)

My life has off late become a comedy of errors, my days are nothing less than (mis)adventures of a Daily soap and I have become a tragedy queen!

Probably it is high time that I get back to my daily prayers, asking God to make life little more pleasant and something to smile home back. However, this Ekta Kapoor syndrome has knowingly, unknowingly created or let me put this way, highlighted such a big room of Drama  in Daily lives of people and their DNA (hey another D-word) that no matter how much one try to avoid, they don't stop coming on your way. Some people really take pride in creating the Drama when things could be dealt so much without it. Nirvana folks Nirvana, creating Drama in other people's life is the only way of Nirvana for them. 

Today was no exception when despite my several requests, my maid still didn't turn up on time and kept me waiting till it was time for me to lock and start for office. I doubted if she is working downstairs and rang up the girl staying there to check. Much to my confirmation, madam was there. I requested her to send the maid on my floor asap. I waited for few minutes and when she still didn't turn up, opened the door to stairways and gave her a holla. She responded that she is coming but too late. I had an early morning meeting and I have to rush. Besides, I have somebody who has come all the way to drop me to office, waiting for me downstairs. 

She came up, rang the bell. When I opened the door, she gave me a sheepish smile and said that you were going late earlier so I came late!!!! Her statement made me lose my temper and I scolded her for misquoting me and saying wrong things. I actually requested her yesterday to come latest by 8:00 am if not early, which she promised too after saying that no one opens the door blah blah. I corrected her by saying that I always open the door for her in the first bell and precisely for that I need to wait for her and delay my bath so that she can get inside the house at least. I chided her and left. Half away through stair case, this dumb flat mate of mine yelled at me (I wonder where she was hiding all this while esp when the maid rang the bell to open the door) to not keep shouting on mornings as people are sleeping. People sleeping at 9 am? Awesome. I wondered what happened to that daily noise making at late nights when people actually sleep? I sent across my statement to her and didn't deem to get in any further discussion with her and left. She may continue to say whatever come to her mind as I am done with "free loaders selfish sycophants" like her who lies through their teeth, tongue and skimpy, inviting dresses all the time. Needless to say, my morning was spoiled.

I entered the meeting room at nick of time and tried to forget the morning Debacle (another D word) and concentrate on my meeting.The thoughts didn't spare me for long as my attention shifted from that matter to what comedy central will say- this matter- The Dorks in office.

I am so much done with the artificial flavor of the corporate world. Here's why-
1. People makes statements just cause they have to make some statements
2. Some people talk big as if they will change the world but couldn't do small tasks and beat all round the bush all the time.
3. Power play ah! what do I say?
4. Lack of meeting etiquette like sitting very close to someone (esp when there is enough space for two to sit) and burp or make sounds near their ears. Also, using the meeting chair as a beach chair and turning horizontal from verticals. Some morons need coffee all the time and think the female in teams are suited for those stuff.
5. Not sticking to timelines!!! Horrible. To hell with people waiting or discussions getting digressed, long live verbal diarrhea.  (D words lolz)

Now you know why I like the song Bhaag DK Bose sooo much? Well hearing this song is a kind of outlet  after mentally combating with dorks like the one above. Lolz! I love the lyrics esp- "Sabun ki shakal mein beta nikla tu toh jhaag" (loosely translated as- Instead of soap, you turned out to be merely foam)

In case if you are wondering how Delhi belly figured here, stop running your imagination wild. Hungry stomach makes growling sounds and if you happened to drink a disaster of a tea empty stomach, well the effects are replicated and continue till next few hours. So, I had a sad tea this morning and my stomach is growling like a tiger now. Never mind, i will have another cup of team. Lolz.

Talking about tigers and wild species, well today is last date for Dove contest on Indiblogger and one of the prize is DSLR, now how much I am pining to have one. So I need to wrap my post now and concentrate on the contest. Although I have more reasons to not write for the damp squib Dove contest as my last experience was pretty bad. The organizers asked us to be creative and took months time to announce the results. When they did, it was another disaster as I wrote 2 ambitious post, even made a video but got nothing. So the Demotivated me, is in Dilemma that whether should I write or not for the Dove contest. Duh!
This D full post is written for A to Z Blogging challenge.
while you snooze, Do not forget the check the Classic (yeah) DK Bose Song Here


  1. Some oen is so not in a godo mood today :P
    Maid woes yeah I know ! Office dorks ... I hear you again ! I hate it when people burp .. its makes me go ewww !
    But then Ekta ... the fun is in trying not to let so many idiots bother us and still try to retain some sort of good humor :P

  2. Anonymous04 April

    Nice post Ekta ! Life is a drama indeed. I love the song Bhag D K Bose.

  3. Hehehe :D Story of the employed Indian Sthree. :D Ekta Kapoor is the height of it. Cheer up!

  4. Maid woes, horrible room mates, office dorks...makes you want to run off to an unknown island, don't they! On another note, I'm quite disappointed with Indiblogger myself, wrote for 2 contests earlier, not that I write great stuff, but the stuff that won was downright stupid. Anyhow, I digress. Hope tomorrow turns out to be a good for you :)

  5. I found Delhi Belly very entertaining! I can quite understand the maid issue! I guess it is so very common that I think the same scene must have been played out several times in so many houses across the country!

  6. Hey! I really enjoyed reading this one! One of those dayz when nothing goes right, and we wonder...hullow! Hope the flatmate & maid have got their dose now..:)

  7. Disasters happen, don't bother about them :) Dance to the tune in your head,do what makes you happy.Smile :)

  8. Seems like your day started out in a 'd'epressing fashion. I hoped it looked up later!

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